Sunday, June 17, 2012

Carrot Soup


Cinnamon - 1 Stick
Cloves- 4/5
Ginger - a pinch
Green Chillis - 2/3
Coconut Milk
Jaggery-1 Tbspn (Grated)
Ghee- 1 Tbspn

Making Steps:

Wash carrots, peel them and cut them into cubes. Heat ghee in a vessel, add onions and green chilies  and saute for 2-3 minutes.Add Carrot cubes. Drop in cloves and cinnamon stick along with 6-8 cups of water. Let it cook until the carrots become tender. Remove Cinnamon and cloves from the mixture. Separate water from the mixture and puree Carrots and Onion mixture. Place  pan on the stove, add the broth that you separated and  pour in puree. You can add the left over broth to slim the puree. Add coconut milk and jaggery  along with salt and stir the mixture. Do this for 7-8 minutes. This can be served hot with croutons.

Cooking Time:
20-25 minutes

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